Thursday, April 24, 2008


i being crazy jus nw -.- chiong-ed 190 n 185 once n my hand nw damn jelly ._.
was throwing ball in class during ending of the lesson
tcher snatch-ed our poker card when we were jus abt to strt game -.-
in the end we get bak x]
3rd time since it was confiscated -.- by the same tcher summore

khalis strt throwing us first. so we throw bak x]
eugene oso throw at khalis :X
wthhh my hand was like all black black cos it was newspaper =.=
mr chin was like abit piss? :X
n i throw paper ball to percythan he was angry -.-
wif tat scary look :X xia si wo LOL.

fiona n i left 10min early. n when we was walking . jason throw sumthing down i tink -.-
n qiuyi sms me sae jason throw things dwn n zhong dao ren LOL. so zhong sia aiming .

tis is the last time i helping u take oredi.
we r nt ur servant. nor u r the princess .

e4 get bak their ca2 result slip oredi ._.
dunno heard fr whu ca2 result slip if nv sign /passup were call parents come sch n sign +_+.
wtf. i'm dead.
nw i cant hide any words wif tis background colour -.-
hohoho eng sa1 tml x]

mayb i shudnt be so mean to him :X
he done me no wrong afterall..

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