Friday, July 17, 2015

Today went to try Yoogane after project meeting
The food really not bad and the staffs dam friendly also.
definitely nicer than the ones we had at Simei :X
donut went missing on sunday midnight
tried to search for him near the estate for 3 hours
but no avail
During the search, we also did not see any cats loitering around in their usual area
Something quite rare.
On the other hand, my neighbourhood cats are missing as well
tried searching for a few days & tadaaa !!
finally found one of them
the most agile one hehh
her sibling got caught and sterilised last month but not her
I guess nobody could really catch her >:D
& she sort of open up to me tonight HEHHEH
 I can see she really wants me to bring her home...
(see see video above)
but I really can't :(
had to run away from her to stop her from following
then she meow there sadly..
Hope donut and my neighbourhood cats will be back soon
Also, I hope nobody catches them.

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