Saturday, January 1, 2011

morning met 7W :D
super tired
& when i reach there..
no more breakfast le T_T
i wan mac breakfast..
nbm bt ate the fish de burger instead :D
superrrrrrrr long never eat tt one le LOL
i still remmeber when i young i like to eat tt one de most :B
after went to slack slack
wenjie helped me tie the scorpion :D
my hair abit harder to tie cos layer :X
bt still sucess in the end HHEE
dam nicee :B
<3<3 & we saw keting's baby !!
superrrrrrr cute
& hes onli 1 week old LOL.
hope he will grow up healthily :D

after tt went to mall & trained to bugis :D
decided to chnge to bus @ doby cos cheaper.. hehe
end up...
i gt stucked in bugis street cos the rain super big !@&#^@!
then i cxannot cross the road LOL
went to 2nd floor & walkwalk awhile
bugis street chnge alot !! alamak LOL
i tink i too long never go le.
then i cannot find the escalator dwn -_-
bt in the end still found :X
vivian came to my rescue ! hehehe
then i realise....
the rain stopped oredi -.- LOL

went to the steamboat palce & eat :D
from 5.45--9+ i tink
dam shiok LOL
walked to marina square (i tink) for fireworks :D
the firework is superrrrrrrr nice :D for me luh LOL
cos its my first time going for countdwn :D

homed wif jiamin shermage bryden clement after tt ;D
new strt for 2011 !
happy happy my papa ytd din scold me ^^v
bt he had to sleep later because of me ><

& i tink my mama gt projection error -_-

idk why when i type this one
i feel like typing
happy NIU year LOL
& i had my first dota of the year @ 2am++ HEHEH

windy day when going out wif huimin lilian rachel zhiting tt dae LOL

Salvo bbq :D

28/12 (i tink)
nihon mura wif cdac pple :D
our receipt LOL

& i chnge my blogskin :D
new year new skin LOL.
& the song is vyeryvyeryve nice:D
caiyan introduced to me de ! ^^v

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